CVMA® NC 15-1
Veteran 1:
Good evening, I am writing to request that one of our own be considered as a recipient of assistance from the Outreach program.  As our motto of Vets helping Vets is often directed into the community there are moments when those within our chapter are also in need of assistance.  On this occasion Veteran 1 is one of them. 

As a long-standing member that has endured many hardships, Veteran 1 has always done everything that he could to help those around him in whatever manner he could.  During the last few months Veteran 1 has had some health issues that he's quietly dealt with, and this past week got the better of him.  Prior to that, unknown to the chapter and myself, Veteran 1 and his family were experiencing financial difficulties on top of the health issues that he was experiencing.  These hardships and health have kept him from being able to properly maintain his grounds and be out and about with the chapter. 

Recently the glass on his front door was broken, creating a security concern for his household.  One of our members is working to get it fixed, but without the help of that member, Veteran 1 would have a hard time getting it fix.  Additionally, to the door glass his motorcycle needs brake service which he is trying to get the funds organized to get this work done. One of our members is willing to assist with some of the work and services to aid Veteran 1 and his family.

Ultimately, the Veteran was awarded with funds to support heathier meal options as well as having the repairs on his front door completed. In the future, this Veteran will also receive assistance with yard work, vehicle maintenance, and more. This assistance will come directly from the members of NC CVMA® 15-1 at no cost to the organization or to the Outreach Program.
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